Actor Initialization Functions

Every actor encountered during the game was initialized and inserted into the game world using a small group of common functions. This page describes the actions performed as each actor is created, either statically by the map’s original author or dynamically during the course of gameplay.

To create an actor, three pieces of information are needed: the actor type number, the X origin tile on the map, and the Y origin.

The actor type number represents the complete identity and behavior of the actor. All actors with the same type number look and act the same, begin in the same state, and have the same difficulty. There is no way to customize a particular instance of an actor without duplicating it to a new actor type number.

The X and Y coordinates of an actor refer to the tile at the bottom-left of their sprite, measured from the upper-left corner of the map. Several actors have some amount of X and Y Shift that adjusts their initial position away from the location where their creation was requested. This may be done for centering purposes or to make map authoring easier, and should be considered whenever an actor is created – a nonzero shift value will place the actor in a slightly different place than the function calls requested.

There are two paths that can be taken to insert an actor into the game world:

  • When a map is first loaded into memory, LoadMapData() parses the list of actors in the file and calls NewMapActorAtIndex() for each actor encountered in the file. Depending on the map actor type, either a special actor will be created directly, or NewActorAtIndex() will be called to create a normal actor. Special actors are those with a map actor type less than 31.
  • When an actor needs to be dynamically created during the course of the game, NewActor() is used. This directly calls NewActorAtIndex(). (N.B.: It is not possible to create a special actor using this dynamic path.)

NewActorAtIndex() is the common function that all normal (that is, not special) actors pass through, while ConstructActor() is the function responsible for actually initializing an actor’s data.

The actor list in memory is built and maintained using numActors as an index pointer. The actor list begins in an empty state, and map-defined actors are inserted at sequentially increasing index positions. Once map loading is complete, the numActors index points to the first slot in the array where no actor has yet been created.

When additional actors are created dynamically, a two-step approach is used. First the actor list is traversed from element zero up to numActors, looking for any actor that has been marked as dead. If one is located, the new actor replaces the dead one and searching ends. If no dead actor slots were encountered, the new actor is inserted at the numActors position and the index pointer advances. numActors does not decrement as actors die, and it does not increment if a new actor reuses a previously-occupied slot. numActors essentially represents the peak “high water mark” of actor memory usage.

The two ...AtIndex() functions rely on their callers to determine appropriate index positions, whether at the end of the actor list or somewhere in the middle.


The NewMapActorAtIndex() function creates actors and special actors based on the passed map_actor_type. For normal actors, index controls the position in the actors array where the new actor will be created; for special actors it does nothing. For both actor kinds, x_origin and y_origin control the actor’s initial position within the map.

As implemented, there is an overlap between the two actor kinds: When map_actor_type is 31, it is processed by both the special and the normal actor code. The special actor code does nothing as there is no matching case for this value. The normal actor code inserts an actor of type zero, which is a buggy ACT_BASKET_NULL type.

void NewMapActorAtIndex(
    word index, word map_actor_type, word x_origin, word y_origin
) {
    if (map_actor_type < 32) {
        switch (map_actor_type) {

Special actors are those with a map_actor_type less than 32. For each entry in a map’s list of actors, a switch decodes any special actors encountered.

Each special actor handling block ends with a break that jumps to the closing switch brace.

        case SPA_PLAYER_START:
            if (x_origin > mapWidth - 15) {
                scrollX = mapWidth - SCROLLW;
            } else if ((int)x_origin - 15 >= 0 && mapYPower > 5) {
                scrollX = x_origin - 15;
            } else {
                scrollX = 0;

            if ((int)y_origin - 10 >= 0) {
                scrollY = y_origin - 10;
            } else {
                scrollY = 0;

            playerX = x_origin;
            playerY = y_origin;


For the SPA_PLAYER_START case, the SPecial Actor represents a Player Start Position. This requires a bit of view centering, followed simply by setting playerX and playerY to the associated x_origin and y_origin read from the map.

        case SPA_PLATFORM:
            platforms[numPlatforms].x = x_origin;
            platforms[numPlatforms].y = y_origin;


Each SPA_PLATFORM creates and sets the initial position of one of the Moving Platforms.

At any given time, numPlatforms represents the total number of platforms that have been defined on the map, and it also represents the index of the first unused element in the platforms[] array. This position contains an uninitialized Platform structure that gets filled with the corresponding x/y_origin values here. numPlatforms is then incremented to point to the next free slot in preparation for another platform, should one come.

        case SPA_FOUNTAIN_SMALL:
        case SPA_FOUNTAIN_LARGE:
        case SPA_FOUNTAIN_HUGE:
            fountains[numFountains].x = x_origin - 1;
            fountains[numFountains].y = y_origin - 1;
            fountains[numFountains].dir = DIR4_NORTH;
            fountains[numFountains].stepcount = 0;
            fountains[numFountains].height = 0;
            fountains[numFountains].stepmax = map_actor_type * 3;
            fountains[numFountains].delayleft = 0;


There are four different types of Mud Fountain represented by SPA_FOUNTAIN_SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE/HUGE. They are all handled identically, aside from a difference in the stepmax member.

The use of numFountains to index into the fountains[] array mirrors the approach taken above for SPA_PLATFORM.

The stepcount, height, and delayleft members are all initialized to zero, and dir takes the value DIR4_NORTH. This starts every fountain at its lowest possible position, with its initial move being in the north direction.

The x and y members are set to x_origin - 1 and y_origin - 1; this represents an X and Y shift of -1 in each dimension. This places the fountain’s true origin sightly above and to the left of its placed position. (See MoveFountains() for details about how the fountains are drawn, and how their sense of origin is unusual compared to most actors.) stepmax represents the maximum height the fountain should reach (in tiles), which is set to three times the map_actor_type passed to this function. Fountains are represented by map actor types 2–5, producing heights in the range 6–15.

        case SPA_LIGHT_WEST:
        case SPA_LIGHT_MIDDLE:
        case SPA_LIGHT_EAST:
            if (numLights == MAX_LIGHTS - 1) break;

            lights[numLights].side = map_actor_type - SPA_LIGHT_WEST;
            lights[numLights].x = x_origin;
            lights[numLights].y = y_origin;


The three Light Beam types are represented by SPA_LIGHT_WEST/MIDDLE/EAST and the code here is substantially similar to that of the fountains. This is the only group of special actor types that guards against buffer overflow (here testing numLights against MAX_LIGHTS - 1 and breaking if the limit has been reached).

To normalize map_actor_type (which is 6 for SPA_LIGHT_WEST) into a side value (zero for LIGHT_SIDE_WEST) we subtract SPA_LIGHT_WEST from map_actor_type.

x and y need no correction and can use x_origin and y_origin unmodified.

    if (map_actor_type < 31) return;

    if (NewActorAtIndex(index, map_actor_type - 31, x_origin, y_origin)) {

The intention of the first if is to return from the function early if map_actor_type was low enough to be handled by the special actor switch block above. There is an overlap when map_actor_type equals 31 – both sections of the code handle this case, but only the normal actor code performs an action in response. It is for that reason that this project considers map actor type 31 to be a normal actor, with the highest special actor type being 30.

With map_actor_type having a value 31 or greater, the first if takes no action and NewActorAtIndex() gets called with map_actor_type - 31 as its actor type. This removes the bias used by special actors, and allows all normal actors from type zero and up to be accessed. index, x_origin, and y_origin are passed through unchanged.

NewActorAtIndex() will return true as long as the passed actor type is a defined actor type. In that case, numActors is incremented to reflect the new number of actors.

Note: When LoadMapData() calls this function, it passes the current value stored at numActors as index. LoadMapData() is also responsible for checking if the MAX_ACTORS limit has been breached. This split responsibility can be difficult to keep track of at times.


The NewActor() function dynamically inserts a new actor having the specified actor_type into the game world at the location specified by x_origin and y_origin. This function’s search algorithm operates in two stages, first scanning through the occupied slots in the actor array looking for any actor that has become dead and replacing it with the new actor. If no such slot is found, the new actor is added at the numActors slot and this index pointer is incremented.

Actors created by this function are identical to those created during map loading by NewMapActorAtIndex() except for one key difference: Any Blue Ball/Parachute Creatures created here will have their “force active” flag set on. This permits them to think and move offscreen prior to the player “seeing” them. This is necessary because these actors are typically created using the spawner system which tends to shoot the actors off the top of the screen before NewActor() is actually called. Without being forced active, they would hang frozen in the air until the player moved close enough to scroll them into view, and only then would they awaken and fall back down.

void NewActor(word actor_type, word x_origin, word y_origin)
    word i;
    Actor *act;

    for (i = 0; i < numActors; i++) {
        act = actors + i;

        if (!act->dead) continue;

        NewActorAtIndex(i, actor_type, x_origin, y_origin);

        if (actor_type == ACT_PARACHUTE_BALL) {
            act->forceactive = true;


During the first stage of the function, the goal is to find any slot in the actors[] array where the Actor structure has a dead flag that’s set. Dead actors have no further use and can never come back, so it’s appropriate to overwrite any such slot with a new actor’s data.

The for loop takes i from zero up to numActors, covering every actor slot that has ever been used since the current level started. On each iteration an element is selected from the actors[] array and act receives the reference to it.

If the dead flag on the actor is unset, this slot holds an active actor and can’t be used; continue on to another one.

Otherwise, we have found a reclaimable slot and i points to the index where it’s located. This is passed to NewActorAtIndex() along with the actor_type, x_origin, and y_origin from the caller and the actor is created.

As explained in the introduction for this function, the actor_type matching ACT_PARACHUTE_BALL needs a special exception to enable the forceactive flag – NewActorAtIndex() will have created it with with the flag unset.

With the new actor created, we are able to abandon the loop and return to the caller.

Otherwise, the for loop continues until it either finds a usable actor slot or all the active slots have been exhausted.

    if (numActors < MAX_ACTORS - 2) {
        act = actors + numActors;

        NewActorAtIndex(numActors, actor_type, x_origin, y_origin);

        if (actor_type == ACT_PARACHUTE_BALL) {
            act->forceactive = true;


When we find ourselves in this part of the function, we have checked every actor slot from zero through the peak value in numActors and didn’t find a single one containing a dead actor. (In practice, this condition is rare.) In order to insert this actor, we’ll need to put it at the end of the used part of the actors array and increment numActors accordingly.

The outer if limits the total number of actors that can be appended to the array. As implemented, the MAX_ACTORS - 2 value artificially limits the total number of active slots to two less than actors[] can support – Unless all 410 actor slots are filled during map loading, the final two slots are forever inaccessible for further use.

numActors refers to both the peak number of actor slots that have been used and the index of the first unused slot. This is added to the actors[] array pointer to point act at this empty slot.

NewActorAtIndex() does the actual work of creating the actor, again using numActors as the index to be used. Following this is the “force active” modification for ACT_PARACHUTE_BALL, both operations similar to what appeared earlier in the for loop.

With the actors[] array modified, numActors is incremented to reflect the new peak index and the function returns.


The NewActorAtIndex() function inserts an actor of the specified actor_type into the actors[] array at the specified index position. The initial origin position is provided in x and y, and X/Y shifts are applied here. Returns true as long as actor_type referred to a defined actor type – any false return indicates either a map design or programming error.

The main responsibility of this function is to decode actor_type into the actual component variables that make each actor type look and behave in a unique way. There are a handful of actors that have special initialization needs, but most follow the same pattern overall.

Yo dawg, I heard you like push instructions.

When compiled, this function is friggin’ huge – it constitutes nearly 10 KiB of the game’s memory footprint. That might not seem like a lot, but it represents about 8.5% of the whole EXE file.

This function contains a total of 243 cases. One case (Episode 1 End Trigger Line) handles three distinct actor types (ACT_EP1_END_1/2/3). All 245 actor types defined by the game are covered. The values hard-coded in this function have been extracted into table form on the actor database page.

bbool NewActorAtIndex(word index, word actor_type, word x, word y)
    nextActorIndex = index;

To avoid needing to pass index during each call made by this function, a pass-by-global convention is set by stashing the index value in nextActorIndex. Any subsequent call to the ConstructActor() below will read the intended value of index through this variable.

#define F false
#define T true

    switch (actor_type) {

The entirety of this function is structured as a switch on the passed actor_type. To save horizontal space, the boolean values false and true are temporarily aliased to the single-character F and T symbols. This is done for clarity, allowing the reader to differentiate 0/1 as integers from F/T as booleans.

            SPR_BASKET, x, y, T, F, T, F, ActBarrel,
            ACT_BASKET_NULL, SPR_BASKET_SHARDS, 0, 0, 0);
    case ACT_STAR_FLOAT:
        ConstructActor(SPR_STAR, x, y, F, F, F, F, ActPrize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4);

This is the pattern. When the passed actor_type matches the ACT_BASKET_NULL case, a unique set of arguments are passed to the ConstructActor() call. The parameter order is:

  1. Sprite Type: One of the SPR_* values, representing the base sprite type that this actor displays as. This is usually the most identifying characteristic of the actor and the closest representation to the original actor type that was passed.
  2. X Origin: The horizontal position on the map where this actor is placed. Takes the x parameter that this function was called with, plus or minus an optional constant shift value.
  3. Y Origin: Similar to X origin, but using y for vertical placement.
  4. “Force Active” flag: An actor is considered “visible” if any portion of its sprite can be seen anywhere inside the scrolling game window. An actor’s “active” state controls whether it thinks and moves, versus being paused and frozen in place. By default an actor is only active while it is visible, and activity stops as soon as it leaves the visible area. The “force active” flag overrides the visibility check and makes the actor permanently active.
  5. “Stay Active” flag: When enabled, causes an actor to enable its own “force active” flag once it has become visible for the first time.
  6. “Weighted” flag: When enabled, indicates that the actor has “weight” and should automatically be pulled down by the force of gravity. Actors that float in the air (e.g. prizes and ceiling-mounted actors) must have this flag disabled to prevent falling, and actors that have complicated vertical movement behavior may disable this flag to prevent the global gravity system from interfering.
  7. “Acrophile” flag: When enabled, informs the common actor-movement code that this actor should be willing to walk off ledges. Otherwise actors will treat such ledges as impassible terrain and turn around. Not all actors use the common movement code.
  8. Tick Function: A pointer to one of the C functions that contains the actor’s per-tick behavior and movement code. Many actors share tick functions, and these shared functions generally use the sprite type or one of the data fields to differentiate the underlying actor types.
  9. Freeform Data #1: This configures the initial state for opaque internal data specific to each tick function’s needs. There are no simple generalizations about what these arguments contain or how they should be interpreted; these would be explained on the page specific to the tick function in question. Freeform data values have names like data1 in the code.
  10. Freeform Data #2: Same as above.
  11. Freeform Data #3: Same as above.
  12. Freeform Data #4: Same as above.
  13. Freeform Data #5: Same as above.

Looking at the actual cases highlighted above, ACT_BASKET_NULL uses the SPR_BASKET sprite, has an initial location at x and y with no shift applied, it is forced active (rendering the “stay active” value irrelevant) and it is weighted. The acrophile flag value is also irrelevant as Basket actors do not walk. The tick function is ActBarrel() and the five freeform data values are ACT_BASKET_NULL, SPR_BASKET_SHARDS, 0, 0, and 0. All of these arguments are passed to ConstructActor() which does the actual work of creating the actor.

For actors that use ActBarrel(), data1 controls the actor type to spawn when the Barrel is destroyed, and data2 dictates which sprite is drawn on the shards that accompany the destruction. data3data5 are not used and their values are left at zero.

For the ACT_STAR_FLOAT case, the arguments state that the sprite type will be SPR_STAR with no shift applied to x or y, the actor is not forced active nor does it stay active, and the actor is not weighted – this keeps it floating in the air. The acrophile flag is irrelevant as stars do not walk, and ActPrize is the tick function.

ActPrize’s interpretation of the data values is:

  • data1: Holds the horizontal width of the sprite, used to control the range over which a random sparkle decoration could be inserted. Here set to zero, as stars do not sparkle that way.
  • data2: The height of the sprite for sparkling purposes, also zero here.
  • data3: This is a private value used to halve the speed of the actor’s animation (see data4). As stars do not use half-speed animation, this value is not used.
  • data4: Controls the speed of the actor’s animation, either fast or slow. The zero value means that the animation is fast, advancing once per frame of gameplay.
  • data5: Holds the number of frames in the sprite’s animation. The displayed frame is advanced until it reaches this limit then the animation restarts at frame zero. Here set to 4, as stars have a four-frame animation sequence.

The freeform data is heavily dependent on the implementation of the tick function.

Skipping many, many cases, we arrive at the next interesting occurrence:

            SPR_ARROW_PISTON_E, x - 4, y, F, T, F, F, ActArrowPiston,
            0, 0, 0, 0, DIR2_EAST);

ACT_ARROW_PISTON_E has an X shift of -4 tiles.

    case ACT_GRN_TOMATO:
            SPR_GRN_TOMATO, x, y, T, F, T, F, ActFootSwitch, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Several actors (e.g. ACT_GRN_TOMATO here) use ActFootSwitch() as the tick function even though there doesn’t seem to be a logical relationship between the two. ActFootSwitch() is a common no-op function used by actors that don’t actually need to do any per-tick thinking, and its guard code prevents it from doing anything for these sprite types.

            SPR_FOOT_SWITCH_KNOB, x, y, F, F, F, F, ActFootSwitch,
            0, 0, 0, 0, ACT_SWITCH_PLATFORMS);
        arePlatformsActive = false;

If the map contains an ACT_SWITCH_PLATFORMS actor, the platforms become disabled by default (arePlatformsActive = false) and the player will need to find and use this switch to re-enable them.

            SPR_MYSTERY_WALL, x, y, T, F, F, F, ActMysteryWall,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        mysteryWallTime = 0;

Similarly, maps containing a Mystery Wall Block initialize mysteryWallTime to zero, although InitializeMapGlobals() would’ve certainly been a better place to do that.

            SPR_EYE_PLANT, x, y, F, T, F, F, ActEyePlant,
            0, 0, 0, 0, DRAW_MODE_NORMAL);
        if (numEyePlants < 15) numEyePlants++;

Each ACT_EYE_PLANT_FLOOR (but not ACT_EYE_PLANT_CEIL!) increments the running count in numEyePlants up to a maximum of 15. This counter governs the bonus given to the player for bombing all of the Eye Plants on a level.

            SPR_FOOT_SWITCH_KNOB, x, y, F, F, F, F, ActFootSwitch,
            0, 0, 0, 0, ACT_SWITCH_LIGHTS);
        areLightsActive = false;
        hasLightSwitch = true;

The presence of an ACT_SWITCH_LIGHTS sets the global hasLightSwitch flag and unsets the areLightsActive flag – the player will need to find and use this switch to turn the map’s lights on.

    case ACT_WORM_CRATE:
            SPR_WORM_CRATE, x, y, T, F, F, F, ActWormCrate,
            0, 0, 0, 0, ((GameRand() % 20) * 5) + 50);

Each ACT_WORM_CRATE receives a random value based on GameRand() for data5. This controls how long each Worm Crate will sit in view before automatically bursting open.

    case ACT_EP1_END_1:
    case ACT_EP1_END_2:
    case ACT_EP1_END_3:
            SPR_164, x, y, T, F, F, F, ActEpisode1End,
            actor_type, 0, 0, 0, 0);

All of the Episode 1 End Trigger Line actors use a common implementation, passing the actor_type value to data1 to allow the tick function to differentiate between them. These actor types also reference the nonexistent sprite type SPR_164 – this is not an issue in practice because this actor is never actually drawn at any time.

    case ACT_HINT_GLOBE_1:
            SPR_HINT_GLOBE, x, y, F, F, F, F, ActHintGlobe, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
    case ACT_HINT_GLOBE_2:
            SPR_HINT_GLOBE, x, y, F, F, F, F, ActHintGlobe, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2);
    case ACT_HINT_GLOBE_3:
            SPR_HINT_GLOBE, x, y, F, F, F, F, ActHintGlobe, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3);

Some actors (like the Hint Globes here) are absolutely identical except for one of the data values (here, data5). This is all that is required to display the different hint messages throughout the game.

There are many more actor cases than what has been described here, but they all follow one or more of the patterns shown above. The most unusual part of any actor’s definition usually involves the data1data5 initial values, which must be examined on a case-by-case basis when dealing with that actor type specifically.

        return false;

#undef F
#undef T

    return true;

The default case occurs when an unimplemented actor_type is passed to the function. In that case false is returned and no actor is created. Otherwise the return value is true.

The F and T macros are no longer needed, either.


The ConstructActor() function is called by NewActorAtIndex() as a helper to initialize each member of an Actor structure. The actor slot position is provided in the pass-by-global nextActorIndex variable, and the structure at that position is initialized according to the values passed in the arguments.

If the actor being constructed looks like a Barrel or a Basket, the numBarrels counter is incremented.

void ConstructActor(
    word sprite_type, word x_origin, word y_origin,
    bool force_active, bool stay_active, bool weighted, bool acrophile,
    ActorTickFunction tick_func,
    word data1, word data2, word data3, word data4, word data5
) {
    Actor *act;

    if (data2 == SPR_BARREL_SHARDS || data2 == SPR_BASKET_SHARDS) {

This function has one special-case behavior: If the value in data2 equals either SPR_BARREL_SHARDS or SPR_BASKET_SHARDS, the actor is assumed to be a Barrel or a Basket. This saves the caller from having to add this test into its 30+ switch cases that cover such actors. In response, numBarrels is incremented. This tracks the number of barrels the player needs to break open in order to earn the bonus for finding them all.

Sweet precision and soft collision.

It would arguably be more bulletproof to test sprite_type being equal to either SPR_BARREL or SPR_BASKET, rather than relying on no other actor types happening to have a matching initial data2 value by chance.

Some may pass this off as an “it’s not a problem as long as it works” situation, but it causes a bug: The unrelated Tulip Launcher Plant happens to be created with a data2 value of 30, same as SPR_BARREL_SHARDS. This causes each of these actors to be counted as barrels here, but without being treated as such during destruction. Because of this desynchronization, it is not possible to earn the 50,000 point bonus for destroying all the barrels on a map where a Tulip Launcher Plant has ever existed.

    act = actors + nextActorIndex;

The actors[] array holds Actor structures, and the one we are creating here is indexed by the global nextActorIndex value. This had been set by NewActorAtIndex() before this function was called, and removes the need to pass yet another argument into this function. The local act variable points to the chosen Actor structure.

    act->sprite = sprite_type;
    act->frame = 0;
    act->x = x_origin;
    act->y = y_origin;
    act->forceactive = force_active;
    act->stayactive = stay_active;
    act->weighted = weighted;
    act->acrophile = acrophile;
    act->dead = false;
    act->tickfunc = tick_func;
    act->westfree = 0;
    act->eastfree = 0;
    act->falltime = 0;
    act->data1 = data1;
    act->data2 = data2;
    act->data3 = data3;
    act->data4 = data4;
    act->data5 = data5;
    act->hurtcooldown = 0;

Everything in the structure is set to either zero/false or one of the passed arguments without modification. The explanations for each passed field are described in NewActorAtIndex(), while the other members are described either elsewhere on this page or on the page for an actor type’s per-tick behavior.