Composite Drawing Functions

The game’s assembly drawing functions are highly optimized and fast, however they are restricted to drawing only single 8×8 pixel tiles on a 40×25 tile screen grid. Most of the objects and menu graphics in the game are larger than 8×8 pixels and need a higher-level function to orchestrate multiple calls to an assembly routine to draw the larger screen areas. The functions here perform this orchestration.

There are three distinct types of objects that are large enough to be drawn in this way:

  • Sprites: Generic visual representations of several types of in-game objects (actors, decorations, explosions, fountains, shards, and spawners).
  • Cartoons: The graphics shown in the story pages of the menus. The name appears to derive from the fact that these images, interleaved with the text content on each page, read a bit like a comic book.
  • The Player: The object controlled by the user. Really a special case of a sprite, but with additional behaviors and draw modes that are unique enough to warrant special handling.

Each object is stored in two group files: the masked tile image file that holds the visible graphics, and the tile info file that holds indexing and size information.

To draw an composite object, the caller must provide a sprite type number and a frame number. Together, these point to a location in the tile info file that holds the height, width, and starting address of the image data within the tile image file. By seeking to that offset in the image data and calling a tile drawing function width × height times, the complete object is drawn.

For sprites, there are a total of 267 different sprite type numbers, each of which can have anywhere from one to 15 frames. Both cartoons and the player only define one sprite type number containing 22 or 48 frames, respectively.

Origin and Draw Order

A composite object by definition can occupy more than one tile horizontally and/or vertically. When an X,Y position is passed to one of these drawing functions, that tile position is treated as the origin of the object and the tiles above and to the right from that tile are filled. Put another way, the origin tile is the bottom-leftmost tile in the object. The game does this to somewhat simplify calculations between objects and the floors of maps.

Drawing order, however, proceeds in the usual left-to-right, top-to-bottom row-major order. Tiles are stored in the image files in this sequence as well. Combined with the origin details in the previous paragraph, drawing starts at the tile position given by X horizontally, but Y - height + 1 vertically.


The DrawSprite() function draws a sprite of the provided sprite_type and frame, with the lower-left tile at coordinates (x_origin, y_origin). The mode influences the origin calculations and visual appearance, and should be one of the DRAW_MODE_* constants.

In most calls, x_origin and y_origin are measured relative to the game world, which is several hundred tiles in both dimensions. The screen’s current scroll position is subtracted from each value to convert these positions into screen space. When mode is set to DRAW_MODE_ABSOLUTE, the origin values are used directly as screen coordinates.

void DrawSprite(
    word sprite_type, word frame, word x_origin, word y_origin, word mode
) {
    word x = x_origin;
    word y;
    word height, width;
    word offset;
    byte *src;
    DrawFunction drawfn;

A number of local variables are defined right off the bat:

  • x and y: The current X and Y position being drawn, relative to either the world or the screen (depending on mode).
  • height and width: The dimensions of the sprite, in tiles, read from the tile info file.
  • offset: An offset (in bytes) into the tile image data for the sprite. This is the location of the first byte of the first tile that comprises the sprite.
  • *src: A pointer into the byte of tile image data for the sprite. This advances as image data is read.
  • drawfn: A pointer to a function with the following signature:
    void (*DrawFunction)(byte *, word, word);
    This is compatible with the assembly drawing functions, and allows for this function to dynamically switch between implementations based on mode.

The call to EGA_MODE_DEFAULT() puts the EGA hardware into its default (non-latched) write state. This is the appropriate configuration to use when drawing masked tiles.

This call is necessary because the solid tiles are drawn in a different write mode, but there is no real “ownership” of this setting in the game’s code. Sometimes this function is entered with the appropriate EGA write mode, and sometimes not. It all depends on when this function is being called relative to all the other areas of the code that could draw a tile. A sometimes-redundant call is safer than potentially drawing corrupted sprite data.

    offset = *(actorInfoData + sprite_type) + (frame * 4);
    height = *(actorInfoData + offset);
    width = *(actorInfoData + offset + 1);

    src = actorTileData[*(actorInfoData + offset + 3)] +
        *(actorInfoData + offset + 2);

Here the tile info file is parsed, translating the passed sprite_type and frame values into a pointer to the actual image data. actorInfoData is a word pointer that begins with a list of offsets to frame zero of each sprite type, followed by the four-word frame structures that comprise the sprite. *(actorInfoData + sprite_type) is the word offset to the structure for zeroth frame of sprite_type. Each frame structure is packed contiguously, so adding (frame * 4) skips to the offset of the structure for frame. The final offset to the frame structure is stored in offset.

The first word referenced by offset contains the height of the sprite, and the next word at offset + 1 contains the width.

The word at offset + 2 contains the offset portion of the address in the tile image data, and offset + 3 contains the segment. The segment is used as an index into actorTileData[] to find the correct 64 KiB segment of image data, and the offset is added to that for byte-granular addressing. These are combined into the src pointer, which now points to the first byte of the first tile of the passed sprite/frame pair.

    switch (mode) {
        drawfn = DrawSpriteTile;
        drawfn = DrawSpriteTileWhite;
        drawfn = DrawSpriteTileTranslucent;

    if (mode == DRAW_MODE_FLIPPED)  goto flipped;
    if (mode == DRAW_MODE_IN_FRONT) goto infront;
    if (mode == DRAW_MODE_ABSOLUTE) goto absolute;

The value for mode is considered next, and drawfn is set to either DrawSpriteTile(), DrawSpriteTileWhite(), or DrawSpriteTileTranslucent() accordingly. DRAW_MODE_FLIPPED is handled elsewhere, and DRAW_MODE_HIDDEN is not handled at all – leading to a likely crash if used!

A bit of an abuse of goto is used to simulate something like a switch statement, with all other cases falling through. The labeled code appears later.

Really? Really.

I stared at the disassembly of this function for a good long while trying to figure out what I missed – surely this must’ve been a switch and not a bunch of gotos, right?

Nope. Every kind of switch construction compiles into some variant of machine code where mode goes into the AX register, and that’s not what happens here. This had to be a bunch of gotos – there’s no other way to make the compiler do what it did.

    y = (y_origin - height) + 1;
    for (;;) {
        if (
            x >= scrollX && scrollX + SCROLLW > x &&
            y >= scrollY && scrollY + SCROLLH > y &&
            !TILE_IN_FRONT(MAP_CELL_DATA(x, y))
        ) {
            drawfn(src, (x - scrollX) + 1, (y - scrollY) + 1);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) {
            x = x_origin;
        } else {


This is the code that handles the “default” case – normal, white or translucent drawing. These are all common in that the X/Y origins are measured relative to the game world, the sprite may be covered by “in-front” map tiles, and the sprite is drawn unmodified save for the color effects achieved through differing values of drawfn. The initial y position is determined by subtracting height from the provided y_origin value and correcting for an off-by-one error. x does not need any correction.

The rest of the code is a for loop. On each iteration, x is tested to make sure it’s between the horizontal scroll position (scrollX) and the right edge of the visible area (scrollX + SCROLLW). y is tested similarly, against scrollY and SCROLLH. Additionally, a third test is performed to verify that the current tile occupies a location on the map without the “in-front” flag set. (The TILE_IN_FRONT() macro extracts that flag from the map cell returned by MAP_CELL_DATA(x, y)). If all three tests pass, the current tile is visible on the screen and should be drawn.

Drawing the tile is a simple matter of calling drawfn, passing it the screen position computed by subtracting scrollX and scrollY from x and y (and correcting for off-by-one errors). The src pointer contains a tile’s worth of data to be drawn at this location, and once drawing is complete it is advanced by 40 bytes to set it up for the next tile.

The remainder of the loop handles end-of-row and end-of-sprite conditions. If x reaches x_origin + width - 1, the end of a row has been reached. If y also reached y_origin, the bottom-rightmost tile has been drawn and there is nothing more to do. Set EGA_BIT_MASK_DEFAULT() to clean up in case any translucent drawing functions the EGA’s bit mask register, then break out of the loop.

Otherwise, we completed drawing a row of tiles but did not complete the sprite. In this case, reset x to the value held in x_origin (which wraps drawing back to the left edge of the sprite) and advance y to the next row down for another iteration.

The outer else block handles the case where a row is not yet complete – in that case simply advance x one position to the right and begin the next iteration.

When the loop is finally broken out of, there is nothing left to do here and return passes control back to the caller.

    y = y_origin;
    for (;;) {
        if (
            x >= scrollX && scrollX + SCROLLW > x &&
            y >= scrollY && scrollY + SCROLLH > y &&
            !TILE_IN_FRONT(MAP_CELL_DATA(x, y))
        ) {
            DrawSpriteTileFlipped(src, (x - scrollX) + 1, (y - scrollY) + 1);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == (y_origin - height) + 1) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {


The flipped case looks and works substantially the same as the default case, but all calculations pertaining to the y value on screen are flipped vertically: Drawing starts at y_origin, the termination condition checks (y_origin - height) + 1, and y decrements with each row.

The altered loop here draws the tiles in a flipped sequence, but the special drawing function DrawSpriteTileFlipped() is needed to draw the pixel rows flipped. Since drawfn is not used, and there is no opportunity to call one of the translucent draw functions, this loop does not need to call EGA_BIT_MASK_DEFAULT() to clean up like the default case did.

The end result is a sprite that is drawn in the expected location with a vertical flip.

    y = (y_origin - height) + 1;
    for (;;) {
        if (
            x >= scrollX && scrollX + SCROLLW > x &&
            y >= scrollY && scrollY + SCROLLH > y
        ) {
            drawfn(src, (x - scrollX) + 1, (y - scrollY) + 1);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {


The infront case handles drawing sprites that cannot be blocked by “in-front” map tiles. The logic here is identical to the default case, except here the TILE_IN_FRONT() is removed. This makes the map data irrelevant – every tile of the sprite is always drawn (unless it’s off the screen edge, of course).

Since drawfn is always set to DrawSpriteTile() here, there is no opportunity for a translucent drawing mode to be used. This makes the EGA_BIT_MASK_DEFAULT() cleanup call unnecessary here as well.

    y = (y_origin - height) + 1;
    for (;;) {
        DrawSpriteTile(src, x, y);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {

The absolute case is used when the provided x_origin and y_origin values refer to screen coordinates, not positions in the game world, rendering the checks and corrections for scroll position unnecessary. The remaining code is substantially similar to the infront case.

The only interesting thing to mention is that the call to DrawSpriteTile() could’ve been replaced with drawfn here – it has the correct value from the earlier switch.

Since this is the final case in the function, it does not need a return; execution falls off the end of the function regardless.


The DrawCartoon() function draws a cartoon having the provided frame number, with the lower-left tile at coordinates (x_origin, y_origin). This is meant to be called in the menu system only, so coordinates are all measured relative to the screen.

This function works substantially like DrawSprite() with mode set to DRAW_MODE_ABSOLUTE.

void DrawCartoon(byte frame, word x_origin, word y_origin)
    word x = x_origin;
    word y;
    word height, width;
    word offset;
    byte *src;


Each of the local variables here have the same purpose as those in DrawSprite().

EGA_BIT_MASK_DEFAULT() restores the EGA’s bit mask register to its default state. The bit mask is modified whenever sprites are drawn with a translucency effect, but each of those functions already cleans up before returning. This call is therefore likely unnecessary.

EGA_MODE_DEFAULT() puts the EGA hardware into its default (non-latched) write state. This is the appropriate configuration to use when drawing masked tiles.

    if (isCartoonDataLoaded != true) {
        isCartoonDataLoaded = true;

This function employs a bit of a memory-saving hack, which somewhat limits the places where this function can be called. The isCartoonDataLoaded variable tracks whether the memory contains cartoon data already and, if not, the LoadCartoonData() function reads the group file entry named CARTOON.MNI.

Note: isCartoonDataLoaded is explicitly compared against 1 in the disassembly, indicating that it was most likely an integer variable in the original code. I made it a boolean to make its intention clear, but it still requires an explicit compare against true to keep the original behavior.

LoadCartoonData() loads the cartoon data from disk and stores it in the mapData variable. As a consequence of this, any map data held there is overwritten. Due to this memory-sharing, cartoons can only be shown in contexts where the map data is not being used (i.e. in the main menu).

    offset = *cartoonInfoData + (frame * 4);
    height = *(cartoonInfoData + offset);
    width = *(cartoonInfoData + offset + 1);

    y = (y_origin - height) + 1;
    src = mapData.b + *(cartoonInfoData + offset + 2);

As in DrawSprite(), the tile info data stored in cartoonInfoData is interpreted to find the offset, height, and width of the cartoon image. The initial y position is calculated, and src is constructed to point to the first byte of image data, which was stashed in the byte-sized union member of mapData.

    for (;;) {
        DrawSpriteTile(src, x, y);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {

The remainder of the function performs the drawing, one 8×8 tile at a time, through repeated calls to DrawSpriteTile(). Again, this is the same as the absolute drawing case in DrawSprite().


The DrawPlayer() function draws a player sprite having the provided frame number, with the lower-left tile at coordinates (x_origin, y_origin). The mode influences the origin calculations and visual appearance, and should be one of the DRAW_MODE_* constants.

This function has many similarities to DrawSprite(), with a few player-specific modifications.

void DrawPlayer(byte frame, word x_origin, word y_origin, word mode)
    word x = x_origin;
    word y;
    word height, width;
    word offset;
    byte *src;
    DrawFunction drawfn;


Each of the local variables here have the same purpose as those in DrawSprite().

EGA_MODE_DEFAULT() puts the EGA hardware into its default (non-latched) write state. This is the appropriate configuration to use when drawing masked tiles.

    switch (mode) {
        drawfn = DrawSpriteTile;
        drawfn = DrawSpriteTileWhite;
        drawfn = DrawSpriteTileTranslucent;

Here the mode variable is translated into one of the tile-drawing functions. The selection is stored in drawfn. Although DRAW_MODE_TRANSLUCENT is implemented, it is never used in the game and might cause visual glitches (see below).

There is no drawfn defined for either DRAW_MODE_HIDDEN or DRAW_MODE_FLIPPED – these modes will try to call a function address based on stack garbage, leading to a likely crash.

    if (mode != DRAW_MODE_ABSOLUTE && (
        playerPushForceFrame == PLAYER_HIDDEN ||
        activeTransporter != 0 ||
        playerHurtCooldown % 2 != 0 ||
    )) return;

Some special handling is necessary for the player that is not present for any other sprite type. If the draw mode is DRAW_MODE_ABSOLUTE, always proceed with drawing. This is generally used in menus, and it would be undesirable for menu decoration to sometimes not appear because of game state. Otherwise, a few conditions could cause an early return, leading to no player being drawn:

  • playerPushForceFrame is set to PLAYER_HIDDEN. This happens when the player is interacting with pipe systems.
  • activeTransporter is nonzero. This happens when the player is in the process of disappearing in one transporter and reappearing in another.
  • playerHurtCooldown is odd. This happens for a short duration after the player has been hurt, and results in the player sprite flashing approximately 20 times.
  • blockActionCmds is true. This happens when the player is “removed” from the map, like when interacting with a Tulip Launcher Plant, Exit Monster, Exit Plant, or the E1M11 Exit Monster.
    offset = *playerInfoData + (frame * 4);
    height = *(playerInfoData + offset);
    width = *(playerInfoData + offset + 1);

    y = (y_origin - height) + 1;
    src = playerTileData + *(playerInfoData + offset + 2);

As in DrawSprite(), the tile info data stored in playerInfoData is interpreted to find the offset, height, and width of the player sprite image. The initial y position is calculated, and src is constructed to point to the first byte of the tile’s image data in playerTileData.

    if (mode == DRAW_MODE_IN_FRONT) goto infront;
    if (mode == DRAW_MODE_ABSOLUTE) goto absolute;

The “in-front” and absolute draw modes are handled elsewhere (below). For all other values of mode, execution falls to the following loop.

    for (;;) {
        if (
            x >= scrollX && scrollX + SCROLLW > x &&
            y >= scrollY && scrollY + SCROLLH > y &&
            !TILE_IN_FRONT(MAP_CELL_DATA(x, y))
        ) {
            drawfn(src, (x - scrollX) + 1, (y - scrollY) + 1);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {


This (and the subsequent implementations) are the same as DrawSprite().

One interesting detail is the hypothetical situation where mode is set to DRAW_MODE_TRANSLUCENT: Since translucent drawing involves manipulating the EGA bit mask register, a call to EGA_BIT_MASK_DEFAULT() would be necessary to restore the bit mask after player drawing is complete, which is not done here. When a subsequent sprite tile is drawn, it will (unintentionally) inherit the bit mask of the last player tile drawn, causing unwanted vertical strips of transparency in the sprite. Eventually something else will reset the bit mask register, correcting subsequent writes and somewhat limiting the impact of this glitch.

    for (;;) {
        DrawSpriteTile(src, x, y);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {


This loop handles absolute drawing, placing the player sprite directly onto the screen without considering the position on in the game world.

    for (;;) {
        if (
            x >= scrollX && scrollX + SCROLLW > x &&
            y >= scrollY && scrollY + SCROLLH > y
        ) {
            drawfn(src, (x - scrollX) + 1, (y - scrollY) + 1);

        src += 40;

        if (x == x_origin + width - 1) {
            if (y == y_origin) break;
            x = x_origin;
        } else {

This loop is identical to the “default” case, but without the TILE_IN_FRONT() test. This causes the player to be drawn in front of all map tiles, such as when the player becomes dead and floats off the top of the screen.


The IsSpriteVisible() function returns true if the provided sprite_type and frame located at x_origin and y_origin is at least partially visible within the scrolling game window. The return value is true if at least one tile belonging to the sprite is located within the screen boundary (even if that tile does not contain any visible pixels).

bool IsSpriteVisible(
    word sprite_type, word frame, word x_origin, word y_origin
) {
    register word width, height;
    word offset = *(actorInfoData + sprite_type) + (frame * 4);

    height = *(actorInfoData + offset);
    width = *(actorInfoData + offset + 1);

    return (
        (scrollX <= x_origin && scrollX + SCROLLW > x_origin) ||
        (scrollX >= x_origin && x_origin + width > scrollX)
    ) && (
            scrollY + SCROLLH > (y_origin - height) + 1 &&
            scrollY + SCROLLH <= y_origin
        ) || (y_origin >= scrollY && scrollY + SCROLLH > y_origin)

sprite_type and frame are interpreted in the same manner as DrawSprite() with the ultimate goal of discovering the height and width of the passed sprite, in tiles.

The actual comparison happens in a big blob of a return expression, with the horizontal tests in the first half and the vertical tests following.

Horizontally, when the sprite’s x_origin is to the right of the screen’s left edge (scrollX), that x_origin must also be to the left of the screen’s right edge (scrollX + SCROLLW) to have any possibility of being on the screen.

When the sprite’s x_origin is to the left of the screen’s left edge (scrollX), the sprite’s origin is off the screen but portions of the sprite might still be in view. The sprite’s right edge (x_origin + width) will end up to the right of the screen’s left edge if so.

The vertical tests are similar although the order of operations is a bit different. In cases where the sprite’s y_origin is below the bottom edge of the screen (scrollY + SCROLLH), the sprite may still be partially visible whenever its top row of tiles ([y_origin - height] + 1) is above the bottom edge of the screen.

When the sprite’s y_origin is above the bottom edge of the screen (scrollY + SCROLLH), it must also be below or equal to the top row of tiles on the screen (scrollY) to be visible.

If at least one horizontal and one vertical test passes, the sprite is located in a position where it can be seen on the screen and a true value is returned by the function. Otherwise the sprite is too far outside the bounds of the screen to be visible, producing a false return.