Configuration File Functions

The game stores a few small pieces of configuration in a configuration file named COSMOx.CFG. This file holds the keyboard mapping preferences, the state of sound effect/music playback, and the high score table.

The configuration is loaded during the Startup() process, and saved during ExitClean(). If the configuration file does not exist, default values are loaded instead.


The LoadConfigurationData() function loads and parses the contents of the configuration file named filename into several global variables. If the specified file does not exist, these variables are filled with default values.

The top-level structure of the function is:

void LoadConfigurationData(char *filename)
    FILE *fp;
    char space;

    fp = fopen(filename, "rb");

    if (fp == NULL) {
        /* Config file is missing; fill in default values */
    } else {
        /* Config file is present; load its values */

This is a straightforward A-or-B choice: fopen() the file specified by filename and see if the return value is NULL. If it is, the configuration file was not present and there is nothing to load – use the default values. Otherwise the file exists and can be read.

Default Values

Here, fp is NULL so there is nothing else we can do with it – the configuration file does not exist and the default settings must be loaded.

        scancodeNorth = SCANCODE_KP_8;
        scancodeSouth = SCANCODE_KP_2;
        scancodeWest = SCANCODE_KP_4;
        scancodeEast = SCANCODE_KP_6;
        scancodeJump = SCANCODE_CTRL;
        scancodeBomb = SCANCODE_ALT;
        isMusicEnabled = true;
        isSoundEnabled = true;

The game implements six movement and action keys. They are configured according to their scancodes, where each key on the keyboard is numbered according to IBM specifications. The default keyboard configuration maps the four arrow keys to the four cardinal movement directions, the Ctrl key is used for “jump,” and the Alt key is used for “bomb.”

The scancode table is a bit limited in the fact that it doesn’t actually have dedicated codes for the arrow keys, or the block of Insert/Delete/Home/End/PgUp/PgDn keys above them. This section of the keyboard was not present on the original IBM Model F keyboard,1 so codes weren’t defined for them.

Instead, these functions were available through alternate functions on the numeric keypad. If the keyboard’s Num Lock mode was disabled, the numeric keypad would perform these cursor control functions instead of typing numbers.

Hey, look down!

Are you currently sitting in front of a full-size PC keyboard? Take a look at the numeric keypad. Does it have arrows and cursor movement keys? Turn Num Lock off and give ’em a whirl.

If your computer uses an OS that responds to Ctrl+Alt+Del, it should also respond the same way to Ctrl+Alt+Num . for similar reasons.

This is all a roundabout way of saying, if you want to read the arrow keys using the IBM scancode scheme, you have to read keys 8/2/4/6 on the numeric keypad to do it. That’s what’s being configured here.

scancodeNorth and scancodeSouth hold the “look up”/“look down” scancode values. scancodeWest and scancodeEast hold the “walk left”/“walk right” values and, conveniently enough, scancodeJump and scancodeBomb hold the “jump”/“bomb” values.

isMusicEnabled and isSoundEnabled both default to true, enabling music and sound by default.

        highScoreValues[0] = 1000000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[0], "BART");
        highScoreValues[1] = 900000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[1], "LISA");
        highScoreValues[2] = 800000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[2], "MARGE");
        highScoreValues[3] = 700000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[3], "ITCHY");
        highScoreValues[4] = 600000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[4], "SCRATCHY");
        highScoreValues[5] = 500000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[5], "MR. BURNS");
        highScoreValues[6] = 400000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[6], "MAGGIE");
        highScoreValues[7] = 300000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[7], "KRUSTY");
        highScoreValues[8] = 200000L;
        strcpy(highScoreNames[8], "HOMER");

The remainder of this branch of the function constructs the default high score table out of character names from The Simpsons. highScoreValues[] and highScoreNames[] are two parallel arrays that, taken together, represent the contents of this table. The scores can be initialized literally, but the names need to use strcpy() for initialization.

“Marge, it takes two to lie… one to lie and one to listen.”

The March 1992 release date of the game coincides with the tail end of the third season of The Simpsons, right around the premiere of episode 20, “Colonel Homer.”

With this branch of the code complete, the function returns.

Load from Configuration File

On this branch of the function, the configuration file existed and fp refers to a readable file.

        int i;

        scancodeNorth = fgetc(fp);
        scancodeSouth = fgetc(fp);
        scancodeWest = fgetc(fp);
        scancodeEast = fgetc(fp);
        scancodeJump = fgetc(fp);
        scancodeBomb = fgetc(fp);
        isMusicEnabled = fgetc(fp);
        isSoundEnabled = fgetc(fp);

        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            fscanf(fp, "%lu", &highScoreValues[i]);
            fscanf(fp, "%c", &space);
            fscanf(fp, "%[^\n]s", highScoreNames[i]);


The configuration file format encodes the six keyboard scancode mappings and two sound/music option flags as a series of eight byte values. These are read, one fgetc() at a time, into their corresponding global configuration variables.

Following this data, the high score table is encoded as a consecutive series of packed values. The encoding scheme is “score, space, name, newline,” and this occurs ten times in total.

For each table entry, the score component is read via fscanf(), using a format specifier that consumes all digits 09 and interprets them as long unsigned base 10 integers into an element of the highScoreValues[] array. Once the first non-digit character is reached, the score field is done.

The second fscanf() consumes a single character into a junk variable. This character is usually a space in a well-constructed configuration file, which is why the junk variable is named space.

The third fscanf() contains what is called a “negated scanset,” which consumes any number of characters until a newline (\n) is encountered. This reads the name component of the high score entry, for as many characters as it takes to reach a newline character. This is dangerous – each element in highScoreNames[] is 16 bytes wide, and the last byte should be a null terminator. If any name field in the file is longer than 15 characters, this will read into adjacent high score table names and, quite possibly, unrelated memory.

The third format specifier ("%[^\n]s") deserves a little more scrutiny. This is actually two separate things combined together. %[^\n] consumes and stores all characters until a newline (\n) is found. When that happens, the string is complete and \n remains on the input stream – it will be the next character read. The s is a literal character; the programmer is saying “expect the next character read to be an s and throw it out.” The next byte in the stream is not s, it’s \n. Therefore the match fails and reading stops. The \n character remains on the input stream. On the subsequent iteration of the for loop, the "%lu" specifier actually skips over whitespace characters that precede the digits, including \n, so this whole construction actually works correctly.

Once the high score table has been fully read, fclose() cleans up the file pointer and the function returns.


The SaveConfigurationData() function saves the state of the global game configuration variables to the configuration file named filename. Since all of the configuration variables are guaranteed to be in a good state while the program is running, there is no need for default handling here.

void SaveConfigurationData(char *filename)
    FILE *fp;
    int i;

    fp = fopen(filename, "wb");

    fputc(scancodeNorth, fp);
    fputc(scancodeSouth, fp);
    fputc(scancodeWest, fp);
    fputc(scancodeEast, fp);
    fputc(scancodeJump, fp);
    fputc(scancodeBomb, fp);
    fputc(isMusicEnabled, fp);
    fputc(isSoundEnabled, fp);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%lu", highScoreValues[i]);
        fprintf(fp, " ");
        fprintf(fp, "%s\n", highScoreNames[i]);


This function is the complement of the loading code in LoadConfigurationData(). After opening the file for writing with fopen(), the six keyboard scancode mappings are written to the file followed by the two music/sound option flags (see the configuration file format for more on the file structure).

Next the ten high score table entries are written sequentially to the file with multiple calls to fprintf(), creating the “score, space, name, newline” format. Writing this data is considerably more straightforward than reading it.

Once the high score table has been fully written, fclose() cleans up the file pointer and the function returns.


The JoinPath() function combines a string dir with a string file, creating and returning an absolute pathname. Typically dir will be a directory on disk like “C:\MYDIR” while file will have the form “MYFILE.EXT.” The final joined path would be “C:\MYDIR\MYFILE.EXT.”

This function is used when loading and saving both configuration files and save files, to combine the filename with the write path.

char *JoinPath(char *dir, char *file)
    static char joinPathBuffer[80];
    int dstoff;
    word srcoff;

    if (*dir == '\0') return file;

    for (dstoff = 0; *(dir + dstoff) != '\0'; dstoff++) {
        *(joinPathBuffer + dstoff) = *(dir + dstoff);

    *(joinPathBuffer + dstoff++) = '\\';

    for (srcoff = 0; *(file + srcoff) != '\0'; srcoff++) {
        *(joinPathBuffer + dstoff++) = *(file + srcoff);

    return joinPathBuffer;

The first test handles an edge case: If dir is an empty string, the path is treated as a relative one, and file is returned unmodified.

A for loop copies bytes, one at a time, from dir into the joinPathBuffer[], an 80-byte scratch area used for joining directory and file names into full path names. The loop ends once the null byte at the end of dir is reached.

The dstoff variable now indicates the point in joinPathBuffer[] where the directory copy finished. A single backslash character is placed at that position and dstoff is incremented.

Another for loop again copies bytes, this time from file. The read position starts at the beginning of file, but the write position within joinPathBuffer[] starts after the backshash that was just inserted. As before, copying stops once the null byte in file is reached.

There is an insidious bug in this code: The copy from file to joinPathBuffer[] stops at file’s null terminator byte, but it does not copy that terminator into the destination. This leaves an improperly-terminated string in the destination, which would usually cause obvious misbehavior. The reason it works correctly here is due to a series of happy accidents. joinPathBuffer[] is in BSS, which is explicitly initialized to zero on startup, and all calls to JoinPath() happen to have dir and file lengths of consistent size. The zero bytes in BSS end up accidentally (but correctly) terminating the string without any ghosts of longer values showing through.

A pointer to joinPathBuffer[] is returned, which contains the combination of the provided directory and file names.