Actor Sprite Database

Actor sprite graphics are also used in decorations, spawners, and shards. Each actor sprite set contains between one and fifteen frames. Each frame can have a different size if needed.

“Unused” sprite sets are those that are never directly mentioned in the game, and which hold references to graphics data that is used in different sprites’ sets. These references do not occupy space in the game files themselves (aside from the 10-122 bytes each entry occupies in ACTRINFO.MNI).

A few sprites are noted as containing “identical data,” which is an instance where two different sprite frames point to two different offsets in ACTORS.MNI but both read the same data. The redundant graphics data could have been removed, and the offsets fixed up, without visibly affecting anything other than group file size.

Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
224×24×4Jump Pad
315×2Arrow Piston (extends west)
415×2Arrow Piston (extends east)
522×22×2Fireball Projectile
622×22×2Unused (references fireball projectile)
723×23×1Blue Head Switch
823×23×1Red Head Switch
923×23×1Green Head Switch
1023×23×1Yellow Head Switch
1113×5Blue Locked Door
1213×5Red Locked Door
1313×5Green Locked Door
1413×5Yellow Locked Door
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
1543×33×33×33×3Decoration: Sparkles after prize is picked up
1634×24×24×1Jump Pad Robot
1724×44×2Floor Spikes
1824×44×2Floor Spikes
1941×11×11×11×1Decoration: Scooter exhaust smoke
2026×66×6Large Circular Saw Blade
2162×22×22×22×22×22×2Decoration: Debris after actor is pounced (frames 1/5 and 2/4 have identical data)
2282×22×22×22×22×22×22×22×2Unused (references decoration sprite 23)
2382×22×22×22×22×22×22×22×2Decoration: Sparkle on shiny prizes
2442×42×32×32×3Armed Bomb
2543×33×33×33×3Hopping Cabbage Creature
2711×1Decoration: Raindrop
2863×23×23×23×23×23×2Power-Up Module
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
3041×41×41×41×4Barrel Shards
3112×2Unused (references green tomato)
3212×2Green Tomato
3312×2Unused (references red tomato)
3412×2Red Tomato
3512×2Unused (references yellow/teal striped pear)
3612×2Yellow/Teal Striped Pear
3712×3Unused (references teal onion)
3812×3Teal Onion
3914×4Exit Sign
4012×9Unused (references spear)
4272×22×22×22×22×22×22×2Unused (references green liquid leak)
4372×22×22×22×22×22×22×2Green Liquid Leak
4423×33×3Flying Wisp Creature
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
4551×11×21×41×83×3“Two Tons” Crusher (spring in frames 0-3, weight in frame 4)
4612×2Jumping Bullet Creature
4724×44×4Stone Head Crusher
4813×2Unused (references pyramid spike)
4913×2Pyramid Spike
5083×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references ghost)
5242×22×22×22×2Unused (references floating moon)
5342×22×22×22×2Unused (references floating moon)
5442×22×22×22×2Floating Moon
5532×24×32×3Red Heart Plant
5612×3Unused (references idle bomb)
5712×3Idle Bomb
5814×2Unused (references foot switch)
5914×2Unused (references foot switch)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
6014×2Foot Switch
6112×2Unused (references question mark block)
6212×2Question Mark Block
6314×3Bent Floor Spikes
6493×93×93×93×13×13×11×61×61×6Monument (actor in frames 0-2, shards in frames 3-8)
6522×22×2Jumping Baby Ghost
6621×11×1Unused (references flashing ball projectile)
6721×11×1Unused (references flashing ball projectile)
6821×11×1Flashing Ball Projectile
6983×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Flying Roamer Slug
7011×1Up Arrow (pipe system)
7111×1Down Arrow (pipe system)
7211×1Left Arrow (pipe system)
7311×1Right Arrow (pipe system)
7432×32×32×3Unused (references baby ghost egg)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
7532×32×32×3Baby Ghost Egg
7611×2Shard: Baby ghost egg (#1)
7711×2Shard: Baby ghost egg (#2)
7822×32×3Sharp Spike Robot (floor type)
7943×23×21×11×1Fountain (head in frames 0-1, column in frames 2-3)
8022×32×3Sharp Spike Robot (ceiling type)
8113×2Unused (references hamburger)
8353×33×33×33×33×3Clam Plant
8413×3Unused (references purple grapes)
8513×3Purple Grapes
86113×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Blue Ball/Parachute Creature (normal in frames 0-7, parachuting in frames 8-10)
8724×42×4Wall Spikes (pointing east)
8824×42×4Wall Spikes (pointing east)
8914×4Wall Spikes (pointing west)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
9083×23×21×11×11×11×11×11×1Electric Beam Robot (robot in frames 0-1, beam in frames 2-7)
9134×22×22×2Blue/Green Splitting Block
9323×33×3Unused (references dancing mushroom)
9423×33×3Dancing Mushroom
9562×22×22×22×22×22×2Eye Plant
9663×33×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references decoration sprite 97)
9763×33×33×33×33×33×3Decoration: Smoke
9864×34×34×34×34×34×3Decoration: Large Smoke
9952×22×22×22×22×2Decoration: Sparkle on slippery surfaces (frames 0/4 and 1/3 have identical data)
10065×85×85×85×85×85×8Unused (references red jumper creature)
10165×85×85×85×85×85×8Red Jumper Creature
10267×47×35×35×35×37×3Boss (ship in frames 0-1, creature in frames 2-5)
10353×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references pipe system inlet/outlet)
10453×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references pipe system inlet/outlet)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
10553×33×33×33×33×3Pipe System Inlet/Outlet (pipe in frames 0 and 4, suction animation in frames 1-3)
106103×43×43×43×43×43×43×43×43×43×4Suction Feet Creature
10735×55×25×2Transporter (whole unit in frame 0, globes/spark in frames 1-2)
10835×55×25×2Transporter (whole unit in frame 0, globes/spark in frames 1-2)
10934×34×34×3Unused (references east-facing spitting wall plant)
11034×34×34×3Unused (references east-facing spitting wall plant)
11134×34×34×3Spitting Wall Plant (facing east)
11234×34×34×3Spitting Wall Plant (facing west)
113154×34×34×34×34×34×33×33×33×34×34×34×34×34×34×3Spitting Turret Creature
115113×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references red chomper creature)
116113×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references red chomper creature)
117113×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Unused (references red chomper creature)
118113×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×33×3Red Chomper Creature
11931×11×11×1Unused (references vertical force field beam)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
12031×11×11×1Unused (references vertical force field beam)
12131×11×11×1Unused (references vertical force field beam)
12231×11×11×1Force Field Beam (vertical)
12331×11×11×1Force Field Beam (horizontal)
12463×34×33×33×34×33×3Pink Worm
12572×22×32×32×32×22×22×2Hint Globe (globe in frames 0 and 4-6, stalk in frames 1-3)
12664×44×44×44×44×44×4Translucent Pusher Robot
12793×43×43×43×43×43×43×43×53×5Sentry Robot
12894×24×14×14×14×14×14×14×14×1Pink Worm Goo
13014×3Worm Crate
13171×12×11×21×12×11×13×1Shards: Worm Crate
13211×1Shard: Baby ghost egg (#3)
13311×1Shard: Baby ghost egg (#4)
13412×4Orange Bottled Drink
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
13512×3Gourd (green with red spots)
13612×3Blue Stacked Spheres
13713×2Green Pod
13813×2Green Pea Pile
13913×3Three-Fingered Yellow/Cyan Fruit
14013×3Yellow Horn
14113×3Blue Vine/Red Berries
142110×5Unused (references satellite)
14483×23×31×42×44×23×24×13×1Shards: Satellite
14542×92×92×92×9Ivy Plant
14612×3Green Vine/Yellow Fruit
14855×45×33×23×23×2Unused (references west-facing exit monster)
14955×45×33×23×23×2Exit Monster (facing west, jaws in frames 0-1, tongue in frames 2-4)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
15062×22×22×22×22×22×2Unused (references small flame)
15162×22×22×22×22×22×2Small Flame
15237×47×57×6Tulip Launcher Plant
15342×22×22×22×2Rotating Red/Green Ornament
15452×22×22×22×22×2Blue Crystal
15562×22×22×22×22×22×2Red Crystal
15633×23×23×2Unused (references bear trap)
15733×23×23×2Unused (references bear trap)
15833×23×23×2Unused (references bear trap)
15933×23×23×2Unused (references bear trap)
16033×23×23×2Unused (references bear trap)
16133×23×23×2Unused (references bear trap)
16233×23×23×2Bear Trap
16332×21×21×2Falling Floor Block (block in frame 0, shards in frames 1-2)
16412×3Red/Pink Root (never visible under normal circumstances)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
16512×3Unused (references red/pink root)
16612×3Unused (references red/pink root)
16712×3Unused (references red/pink root)
16812×3Red/Pink Root
16913×2Unused (references red berries/green vine)
17013×2Red Berries/Green Vine
17113×3Unused (references red/yellow gourd)
17213×3Gourd (red with yellow spots)
17352×22×22×22×22×2Unused (references green emerald)
17452×22×22×22×22×2Green Emerald
17543×23×23×23×2Unused (references transparent diamond)
17643×23×23×23×2Transparent Diamond
17722×12×1Floating Score (100)
17822×12×1Floating Score (200)
17922×12×1Floating Score (400)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
18022×12×1Floating Score (800)
18122×12×1Floating Score (1,600)
18223×13×1Floating Score (3,200)
18323×13×1Floating Score (6,400)
18423×13×1Floating Score (12,800)
18541×31×31×31×3Shards: Basket
18696×76×76×76×76×72×32×32×32×3Exit Plant (body in frames 0-4, tongue in frames 5-8)
18783×23×23×23×23×23×23×23×2Blue Bird
18863×61×61×61×63×63×6Rocket (rocket in frame 0, shards in frames 1-3, exhaust in frames 4-5)
18943×33×33×33×3Invincibility Cube
19025×11×1Unused (references pedestal)
19125×11×1Unused (references pedestal)
19225×11×1Pedestal (platform in frame 0, pole in frame 1)
19313×2Unused (references cyan/white diamond)
19413×2Cyan/White Diamond
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
19512×2Unused (references red berry diamond)
19612×2Red Berry Diamond
19712×2Unused (references gray octahedron)
19812×2Gray Octahedron
19912×2Unused (references blue emerald/yellow diamond)
20012×2Blue Emerald/Yellow Diamond
20135×75×75×7Invincibility Sphere
20242×32×32×32×3Rocket Thruster
20313×2Unused (references headphones)
20413×2Unused (references headphones)
20513×2Unused (references headphones)
20613×2Unused (references headphones)
20713×2Unused (references headphones)
20813×2Unused (references headphones)
20913×2Unused (references headphones)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
21013×2Unused (references headphones)
21113×2Unused (references headphones)
21213×2Unused (references headphones)
21313×2Unused (references headphones)
21413×2Unused (references headphones)
21513×2Unused (references headphones)
21613×2Unused (references headphones)
21713×2Unused (references headphones)
21813×2Unused (references headphones)
21913×2Unused (references headphones)
221125×73×53×53×53×63×65×11×32×32×31×35×1Duke (frozen character in frame 0, character in frames 1-3, jetpack exhaust in frames 4-5, ice shards in frames 6-11)
22255×45×45×45×45×4Speech Bubbles: Fell off map (0: Yikes! 1: Oh no! 2: Yeow! 3: Uh Oh! 4: Mommy!)
22312×2Three Small Bananas
22412×2Unused (references red leafy vegetable)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
22512×2Unused (references red leafy vegetable)
22612×2Red Leafy Vegetable
22712×2Unused (references brown pear)
22812×2Unused (references brown pear)
22912×2Brown Pear
23012×2Unused (references candy corn)
23112×2Unused (references candy corn)
23212×2Candy Corn
23342×22×22×42×4Intermittent Flame (extends west)
23442×22×22×42×4Intermittent Flame (extends east)
23515×4Speech Bubble: Ouch!
23672×22×22×22×22×22×22×2Unused (references red liquid leak)
23772×22×22×22×22×22×22×2Red Liquid Leak
23815×4Unused (references speech bubble sprite 244)
23915×4Unused (references speech bubble sprite 244)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
24015×4Unused (references speech bubble sprite 244)
24115×4Unused (references speech bubble sprite 244)
24215×4Unused (references speech bubble sprite 244)
24315×4Unused (references speech bubble sprite 244)
24415×4Speech Bubble: Whoa!
24515×4Speech Bubble: Umph!
24615×4Speech Bubble: Wow! 50,000 points!
24729×86×8E1M11 Exit Monster (facing north)
24813×3Unused (identical data from hopping cabbage creature’s zeroth frame)
24913×3Unused (references sprite 248)
25013×3Unused (references sprite 248)
25113×3Unused (references sprite 248)
25214×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
25314×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
25414×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
Sprite TypeFramesWidth×Height of Frames (0–14)Description
25514×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
25614×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
25714×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
25814×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
25914×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26014×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26114×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26214×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26314×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26414×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26514×2Unused (references “demo” overlay message)
26614×2“DEMO” Overlay Message