Music Database
This page contains a list of all pieces of music alongside the maps that each one appears on.
MBOSS is not directly used by any of the maps, but it does play during the game when a boss actor becomes active.
ID | Name | Description | Duration (Min:Sec) | AdLib Writes | Present on Maps |
0 | MCAVES | “Caves” | 1:09.995 | 4,270 | A6, A11, B1, B8 |
1 | MSCARRY | “Scarry” | 1:53.383 | 4,253 | B2, B10, C2 |
2 | MBOSS | “Boss” | 1:13.977 | 7,396 | — |
3 | MRUNAWAY | “Run Away” | 0:49.905 | 2,723 | A4, B9 |
4 | MCIRCUS | “Circus” | 0:29.375 | 1,814 | BONUS5, BONUS6 |
5 | MTEKWRD | “Tek World” | 0:53.520 | 6,481 | B7 |
6 | MEASYLEV | “Easy Level” | 0:51.834 | 3,542 | C1 |
7 | MROCKIT | “Rock It” | 0:45.469 | 4,586 | C4 |
8 | MHAPPY | “Just About Going Wacky” | 0:49.725 | 3,962 | A1, A2 |
9 | MDEVO | “Devo” | 0:58.729 | 6,446 | A7, A8, C6 |
10 | MDADODA | “Da Do Da” | 1:28.295 | 5,942 | BONUS1, BONUS2 |
11 | MBELLS | “Bells” | 0:46.944 | 3,571 | B3, B4 |
12 | MDRUMS | “Drums” | 1:11.021 | 5,160 | A3 |
13 | MBANJO | “Cosmo’s Foggy Cosmic Breakdown” | 0:51.814 | 3,659 | BONUS3, BONUS4 |
14 | MEASY2 | “Easy 2” | 1:15.636 | 5,265 | A9, B6 |
15 | MTECK2 | “Teck 2” | 0:50.460 | 3,743 | C5, C7 |
16 | MTECK3 | “Teck 3” | 0:52.592 | 4,519 | C8, C9, C10 |
17 | MTECK4 | “Teck 4” | 0:54.990 | 3,727 | A5, B5, C3 |
18 | MZZTOP | Rendition of “Tush” by ZZ Top. | 1:09.945 | 6,288 | A10 |